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FlashFXP 2.0 RC2

Murph 09.09.2002 - 03:29 526 3


Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Vienna
Posts: 9236
Da scheint sich was zusammenzubrauen :)

v2.0 RC2

* Added SSL/TLS Support.
* Added command line option to set the local path on startup, -local="<path>".
* Added new option "Stop sending keep alive after <user defined> minutes."
* Added new option "Auto Expand FTP Directory Tree".
* Added new confirmation, "Delete queue items".
* Changed sound configuration, the new design is more user friendly.
* Added mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons now act as 'go to parent' and 'enter selected folder'.
* Changed the internal design and structure of how the quick connect operates.
* Fixed compatiblity issue with Windows XP zip folders, which resulted in poor performance.
* Changed Restore Queue now remembers it's width/height.
* Added application password protection, allowing the user to password protect FlashFXP from unauthorized access. This adds a a new "security" menu under the "sites" menu.
* Added new command line param -pass=<pass>.
* Fixed problem where sometimes FlashFXP didn't flash on transfer complete, even though the option 'Flash window on transfer complete' was checked.
* Fixed problem where sometimes FlashFXP incorrectly identified folders as files in the local view.
* Fixed problem where FlashFXP would error when you moved the mouse over the taskbar button. This was caused by a design flaw in the Borland Delphi VCL. This problem was most noticable when using VNC.
* Added new windows XP Style toolbar buttons. The images were created by Christof.
* Changed into to maintain compatiblity for 640x480 we had to make the Compare Folder button optional and turned off by default. If you want this button back, simply right-click on the toolbar and select it from the popup menu.
* Added 3 new custom buttons, View File, Edit File, and to the FTP only view, Transfer Mode.
* Changed custom commands now supports commands larger than 250 characters.
* Changed Custom Command dialog allows for unlimited levels of nesting.
* Added several custom command scripting features.
* Fixed several minor memory leaks.
* Fixed bug that caused a malfunction when using a proxy with the "site uses ipmasq/nat.." option enabled.
* Added View/Edit to the Find Files on FTP Server feature.
* Improved Windows XP compatiblity.

Feel free to download @ FlashFXP Homepage

ich schau's mir morgen mal genauer an und erstatte dann bericht und screenshots..


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Feldkirch
Posts: 5977
meine lieblingsapplikation ist wieder da mit einem saftigen update.. hrhrhrhr


Here to stay
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Berndorf, NÖ
Posts: 3232
hab i eh scho lang :D
sicha 2 monate oda länger :D:D:D


48°12'N 16°19'E
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: /eu/at/wien
Posts: 2416
jetzt is schu rc3 herausen :p
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