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DiVX 5.0 endlich mit AthlonXP Optimierung!

Goldlocke 05.03.2002 - 14:58 488 3


(c) Dirty Donny
Registered: Apr 2000
Location: Wien Nord
Posts: 3129
Die neue Version des DiVX Codecs 5.0 kann nun endlich das Potential des AthlonXPs ausnutzen! Holt sie euch!

AMD Optimizations

Let the conspiracy theories end here. We heard our people's cries and have responded! DivX 5.0 includes full and complete optimizations for AMD Athlon processors, including the Athlon XP processor. We worked together with Advanced Micro Devices and their engineers to ensure that you get absolutely the best possible DivX performance out of your AMD processors. All Athlon users should see significant decoding and encoding performance improvements of up to 20%. Enjoy.



information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
Jup, hab ich auch schon gelesen...
Klingt verdammt mächtig...
Werde über Nacht wahrscheinlich nen Test-Rip anreissen...
Hab zwar nur nen TB, will aber austesten was der neue Codec so kann...


stainless steel
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 1052
hat schon wer die PRO version (add free mein ich...) ? ;)


Little Overclocker
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Wien Neubau
Posts: 1406
Zitat von Goldlocke
Die neue Version des DiVX Codecs 5.0 kann nun endlich das Potential des AthlonXPs ausnutzen! Holt sie euch!

AMD Optimizations

Let the conspiracy theories end here. We heard our people's cries and have responded! DivX 5.0 includes full and complete optimizations for AMD Athlon processors, including the Athlon XP processor. We worked together with Advanced Micro Devices and their engineers to ensure that you get absolutely the best possible DivX performance out of your AMD processors. All Athlon users should see significant decoding and encoding performance improvements of up to 20%. Enjoy.


Ähm, ich frag mich nur, warum ich heute Früh schon diesen thread zu diesem Thema gmacht hab...?
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