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DirectX 10 Was kann es/was bringt es?

TOM 02.05.2006 - 19:23 1649 2


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7423
"...DirectX and Shader Models; if you have been following PC gaming in the last few years you have been exposed to a lot of hoopla over both of these. There have been promises of “cinematic” gaming consisting of graphics like those seen in CG (Computer Generated) movies such as Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Here we are in 2006, four years since DirectX 9 has been released and two years the introduction of Shader Model 3.0 hardware. Yet, we haven’t even scratched the surface of the full ability of DirectX 9 and “cinematic” gaming. Even with that being so the industry is gearing up for another major DirectX release. The release of DirectX 10 has huge potential for gamers, but carries with it a hefty price in order to achieve the total graphical experience that will be possible..."


differential image maker
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wien
Posts: 6550
Sehr interessanter Artikel, ich wusste nicht das Objekte in DirectX 9 soviel Overhead erzeugen können, dass bis zu 40% der CPU-Zyklen für API Calls verwendet werden müssen und dass DirectX 9 deswegen auf ca. 500 realtime Objekte limitiert ist.

Mit DirectX 10 soll das sog. "Small Batch Problem" aber der Vergangenheit angehören und der Overhead um die Hälfte reduziert werden.

Außerdem lässt sich ATI ein bisschen in die Karten schauen, was die nächste Desktop-GPU Generation betrifft ;)
ati1_93892.jpg (downloaded 77x)


Registered: Feb 2006
Location: austria/vlbg
Posts: 415
In tomorrow’s games there can be hundreds if not thousands of unique objects. With DirectX 10 the capability will be there to show more unique objects so that the environment is more realistic and immersive.

Na, da freu ich mich aber, hoffentlicht wirds nicht gleich wieder ne abzocknummer - ah wir haben neues zeugs also verschleudern wirs um das dreifache:D
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