"We are back" « oc.at

det 5 wird wieder ownen :)

tombman 16.06.2002 - 23:10 372 2


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 9496
According to the information from eVGA.com that can be considered as official, NVidia`s reference driver Detonator series 5 is currently in quality control and should be available soon.

Unofficial sources claim that GeForce4 Ti perfomance with anisotropic filtering enabled should be significantly higher with Detonator 5.

Fortunately for all NVidia users, they may have another perfomance boost they experience with every new family of reference drivers. The release may happen during the coming weeks, but also NVidia may wait till Parhelia-512 comes out and then suddenly "accelerate" their new Titaniums as they did last year when RADEON 8500 was announced in August.

At this moment we have no official information about the matter of Detonator 5, all of the above is just our assumptions. Please wait for NVidia to release the drivers, or, if you already have them - you can send them to our mailbox - we surely will appreciate


i love nvidia :) Wenns kritisch wird, einfach neuer det raus und paßt schon :D


rockz da world
Registered: Jan 2001
Location: Linz, OÖ, Austr..
Posts: 1237
im entwicklungsteam müsste man einen sitzen haben der einen immer "versorgt" - aber die Taktik ist ned schlecht und vorallem billig


Future has arrived!
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: NÖ
Posts: 5720
bin gspannt ob die mit meiner GF2 auch rocken werden.
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