Cat 5.1 released !!
Gladiac 17.01.2005 - 23:29 1063 8
Peng peng
* Men of Valor: Buffering issues are no longer noticed when playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 8500 or 9100 series installed * Myst URU Ages Beyond Myst: Attempting to turn 180 degrees and head towards the barb wire fence displayed within the game no longer results in the system failing to respond. This issue is known to occur under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 XT Platinum Edition installed. * Richard Burns Rally: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 8500/9100/9200 series installed no longer results in the trees flickering * Sid Meier's Pirates: Enabling Anti-aliasing no longer results in video flicker being noticed when starting the game * Playing an mpeg using the media player found in Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 no longer results in the ATI VPU Recovery failing if it is disabled and then re-enabled * Connecting a TV and a monitor to an ATI RADEON™ X800 series and having the TV set as the primary display device no longer no longer results in the Video Mode remaining checked when switching to a resolution which is not supported * Intermittent desktop corruption is no longer noticed when enabling or disabling a secondary display device * Dragging or resizing the Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 window no longer results in a VPU recovery when playing video on an HDTV * Running Maya under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 series installed no longer results in display corruption being noticed when moving the mouse * Attempting to add a custom timing specification such as; 960x724 for the HDTV device properties page, no longer results in the custom timing not being added to the HDTV resolution menu list. * An error message is no longer displayed when attempting to switch a secondary display device back to the primary display device when using the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER * Installing the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER under the Windows XP operating system (French version) now results in the localized French version being installed * The text now changes and provides the correct information when changing the slider position for CATALYST™ AI * The Restore Factory Default option is now working for all sub-aspects found in the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER 3D tab http://www.ati.com
Bearbeitet von Gladiac am 17.01.2005, 23:34
Vereinsmitgliednuttiest knifenut
Nix großartiges imho, zmd steht nichts in den Releasenotes.
Master of Disaster
feu mich auf die ersten tests, ev. wieder a leistungssteigerung. btw. is der neue linuxtreiber schon fertig?
aka icebreaker2000
ja is auch schon released
Master of Disaster
der neue? um wieviel issa besser als der alte? (der suckte ja gewaltig)
aha, diesmal wird in den release notes nichts von einer performance-steigerung erwähnt (shadowmaster: wlkikiv). die liste der known issues wird leider immer länger
schoen langsam sollt nvidia an neuen bringen, wird ja schon fad
Peng peng
netter treiber ... funkt alles supi und ein kleiner anstieg im 05er cat 4.12b 5930 und im 05er ... all @ stock
I do my own stunts
also ich hab mit den neuen 5.1 eindeutig schlechte erfahrungen gemacht
mit meinen system bringt der treiber immense instabilitäten , 3d und 2d modi stürzt das system permanent ab
also für PCIe NICHT RATSAM !
das banale ist ich kämpfe seit 5 tagen mit diesen problemen ... bin aber erst jetzt auf die idee gekommen mal den 4.12 er zu probieren obs auch da die gleichen probleme gibt, resultat alles geht wie es gehen soll und was ich mir auch von anfang an gewünscht hab