"We are back" « oc.at

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FirstBlood 25.11.2002 - 20:20 767 15


Hoffnungsloser Optimist
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: MeidLing
Posts: 11343
Zitat von LakiStrike
is das eigentlich ein bug im mozilla, dass ma keine beschreibung von pics kriegt, wenn ma mit der maus drüber steht (tooltip)?

Nein, das ist HTML 4.01 compliant:

alt = text [CS]
For user agents that cannot display images, forms, or applets, this attribute specifies alternate text. The language of the alternate text is specified by the lang attribute.

Several non-textual elements (IMG, AREA, APPLET, and INPUT) let authors specify alternate text to serve as content when the element cannot be rendered normally. Specifying alternate text assists users without graphic display terminals, users whose browsers don't support forms, visually impaired users, those who use speech synthesizers, those who have configured their graphical user agents not to display images, etc.

Folgendes produziert in Mozilla einen Tooltip:

<img src="bla.jpg" title="Das ist ein Tooltip">
Bearbeitet von that am 26.11.2002, 20:59
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