da fast alle high performance heatsinks zumindest einen kupferboden haben waer es aus thermischen ueberlegungen her ideal diesen mit diamant zu beschichten, als heat spreader sozusagen.
nach einigem suchen bin ich auf dieses paper gestossen, hier mal der abstract (morgen gibts das ganze paper...muss es mir erst aus der bibliothek holen)
die idee ist, den kupferteil eines waterblocks wie zb MCW5000 mit einem solchen diamantfilm zu beschichten.
abstract hier (requires pdf reader):
http://www.mrs.org/publications/jmr.../apr/P00921.PDFoder hier:
Growth of diamond films on copper
M. L. Hartsell and L. S. Plano
Kobe Steel USA Inc., P.O. Box 13608, 79 T. W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina 27709
(Received 27 January 1993; accepted 22 November 1993)
Copper and diamond both have cubic crystal structures and similar lattice constants,
making Cu an excellent candidate substrate for the heteroepitaxial growth of electronic
device quality diamond. In this study a Cu substrate preparation method was developed to
obtain large-area, free-standing polycrystalline diamond films. Concurrently, a statistically
designed experiment was used to maximize the diamond film quality and resulted in
(111) and (100) faceted films of quality comparable to or better than those grown on
Si. The diamond films were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and
scanning electron microscopy.
Keywords: Chemical vapor deposition (CVD); Electronic materials; Insulators
Materials: C(diamond)/Cu
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 921. ã 1996 Materials Research Society