"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

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x86-CPUs von AMD und Intel
164728 9693 AMD Zen 4
 14:32 by blood Go to last post
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Hauptplatinen von AMD und Intel
99033 9222 MSI Lite Load auf Intel Board…
 08:50 by Starsky Go to last post
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157932 10125 AMD RDNA4 / Radeon 8000(?)
 01:12 by mr.nice. Go to last post
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Storage & Memory

Arbeitsspeicher, Festplatten, Solid-State-Disks und andere Speichermedien
112567 9361 Empfehlung Datennrettung
 22:52 by Longbow Go to last post
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Luft, Wasser, Trockeneis, LN2
154490 10101 Ionenwind Kühlungen
 15:59 by TOM Go to last post
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Danger! High Voltage!

Netzteile und USVs
35690 2699 USV für Synology DS218+ (und …
 20:23 by scorp1on Go to last post
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TFTs und CRTs
36445 2471 VR Headsets: Oculus Rift, HTC…
 09:04 by daisho Go to last post
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Gehäuse und Case Modding Stuff
65712 4215 Lian Li O11 Dynamic EVO RGB -…
 07:01 by rad1oactive Go to last post
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Router, WLAN, Modems, Switches und Verkabelung
64315 5691 S: Internet für Segeltrip (Se…
 23:26 by davebastard Go to last post
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Sonstige Peripherie

Tastaturen, Mäuse, Drucker, Scanner, ...
104078 9253 oc.at 3D Drucker Nerd Thread
 15:17 by semteX Go to last post
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Systembau und Troubleshooting, Absegnung eurer Einkaufsliste und Komplettsysteme
105034 6581 AM4 will nicht sterben
 00:03 by Jedimaster Go to last post
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Notebooks und Netbooks
44034 3059 S: Laptop für CAD/Präsentation
 13:14 by Weinzo Go to last post
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Smartphones & Tablets

Phablets, E-Readers, Smartwatches und andere Wearables
49186 1983 Samsung Galaxy S25 / S25+ / S…
 19:21 by charmin Go to last post
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Alles von Apple: MacBook, iMac, iPad, iPhone und macOS/iOS
53858 1854 Apple Pay
 09:44 by Wyrdsom Go to last post
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Home Theater

TV, Media-Streaming, Sat-Boxen, HD-Recording mit PC, DVB-Karten, MP3-Player und dergleichen
97545 7334 Streaming Bundles?
 14:33 by Viper780 Go to last post
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Arduino, Raspberry Pi und andere Microcontroller
3454 67 Hausautomation - Professionel…
 10:57 by .Gh#Z7 Go to last post


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Applications, Apps & Drivers

128017 15671 Passwort Management - Sinn/Un…
 23:07 by Daeda Go to last post
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70158 6901 Windows 11
 17:42 by WONDERMIKE Go to last post
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Linux and other OS

30250 2702 Debian GNU/Linux 12 "bookworm…
 14:00 by Philipp Go to last post
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Coding Stuff

39899 4249 Advent of Code 2024
 19:12 by Dargor Go to last post
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Number Crunching

Benchmarks, Folding, Mining
41592 1161 3DMark Steel Nomad released
 17:30 by Starsky Go to last post
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Artificial Intelligence

918 13 KI generierte Videos
 21:53 by smashIt Go to last post


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305782 10038 Welche(s) Spiel(e) spielt ihr?
 20:19 by Captain Kirk Go to last post
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Konsolen-Hardware und Spiele ohne PC-Portierung
60329 1375 Playstation 3 60GB - defektes…
 23:18 by Viper780 Go to last post

Digital Life

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Blogs, Podcasts und Kolumnen
3854 223 Cyberpunk
 01:22 by SexyKitty19 Go to last post
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Internet & Provider

Webseiten, Cloud-Services und Co sowie Provider für Internet und Mobilfunk
78066 3326 Der "Elon Musk & X " Thread…
 14:47 by Jedimaster Go to last post
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Filme, Serien, Dokumentationen, Fernsehen und Streaming
162950 6321 [Kino]Renfield (Nicholas Cage…
 22:08 by rad1oactive Go to last post
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Bildbearbeitung, Fotografie, Kameras und Zubehör
65646 3192 fotogerümpelkammer
 23:05 by Rogaahl Go to last post

Real Life

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World Events & Politics

215467 1933 Russische Invasion
 00:01 by Jedimaster Go to last post
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Geek Cuisine

31906 565 Was esst ihr zu Weihnachten?
 00:31 by Lobo Go to last post
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98438 1714 UnleashTheBeast's Rocinante -…
 00:41 by hctuB Go to last post
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Sport & Fitness

34916 348 NFL Thread
 00:55 by Dreamforcer Go to last post
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I fucking love it!
7880 58 Der große SpaceX Thread
 16:58 by semteX Go to last post
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Shops & Shopping

Erfahrungen, Umtausch, Aktionen & Sammelbestellungen
66762 2518 Verkauf auf Willhaben - eure …
 08:50 by Hellgroove Go to last post
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Auffangbecken für sonstige Themen aus dem RL
779529 29751 Weihnachten - Was habt ihr be…
 00:26 by mascara Go to last post


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Unsere Verkaufsplattform, Eintritt ab 50 Ontopic-Posts oder mit Geek Package + 10 Posts.
399925 53287 v: keychron tastatur
 15:31 by sk/\r Go to last post
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Members Only

Eintritt ab 100 Ontopic-Posts oder mit Geek Package.
103972 1309 Hurra, ich werde Papa (oder M…
 16:57 by Balu Go to last post
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Community Hub

Feedback, Bugs, Feature Requests, Treffen, Merchandize und Ankündigungen
105781 4514 Spenden an den overclockers.a…
 09:52 by souljacker Go to last post
Currently Active Users: 4 (1 guests), Active Users Today: 77
EsCuLAp, Longbow, UnleashThebeast
Today's Birthdays: samuel (42), DrPeeper (50), -=aoC|PRoZaK=- (41), cFos_real (37), KeyserSoze (39), empty (34), chrissi (48), PRoZaK =A= (41), abhigangapatnam (22), chinniabhi (22)
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