Stargate Worlds Preview
JC 21.02.2008 - 13:03 2702 0
Preview @ FiringSquad | Official HomepageAccording to Ballentine, the game itself is set between seasons 8 and 9 of Stargate SG-1. It's pretty much the perfect time to set the game since as fans of the show know its a bit of a transition time in the universe. The Replicators have been destroyed, the Goa'uld led by Anubis have been defeated and the team itself has broken up. Basically in the game you get to be the star of your own Stargate show rather than play one of the main characters in the series. In fact the storyline for Stargate Worlds is considered to be canon by the producers of the TV show.
[...]Stargate Worlds' combat will be ranged based, whether it's humans using P90 machine guns or Jaffa using staff weapons or the like. Ballentine told us that, in theory, lower level characters will be able to defeat higher level characters since bullets still hurt higher level players. The reason is that the game is being developed as more of an action game than most MMO with thing like flanking and cover that will be needed to defeat foes in Stargate Worlds.
The trailer for the game, which uses Epic's Unreal Engine 3, showed off graphics that will definitely please fans of the Stargate franchise and gamers in general. The environments look spot on in comparison to the TV show and while we didn't see any actual combat we hope that the real gameplay is on a par with the visual style.