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Battle.net 2.0 und SC-BETA sind da !!

Hansmaulwurf 20.03.2009 - 22:09 7717 78


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
big new b.net info at b.net panel today.

http://blizzplanet.com/ -> Lifeticker
Man darf gespannt sein, was da heute kommt :)


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Schade, dass beim Opening nichts von SC2 gezeigt wurde. Werd jetzt mal das Panel abwarten.


semiconductor physicist
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: AUT
Posts: 1580
Ich halts nicht mehr aus - ich will sofort ALLES über den Nachfolger meines geliebten Battlenet erfahren )=


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Das bnet Panel beginnt gerade :)

Offline-Mode als Guest verfügbar
"Cloud" -> Savegames egal von wo, immer über den bnet account verfügbar. wahrscheinlich auch settings, etc...

StarCraft II - Fakten
StarCraft II führt die epische Saga der Protoss, Terraner und Zerg fort. Diese drei ungleichen, mächtigen Spezies werden im turbulenten Nachfolger des legendären Echtzeitstrategiespiels StarCraft erneut aufeinandertreffen. Legionen von altbekannten, weiterentwickelten und völlig neuen Einheiten werden ihre Kämpfe durch die gesamte Galaxie ziehen, während jede Fraktion um ihr Überleben kämpft.

Mit einer einzigartigen Einzelspielerkampagne, die am Ende von StarCraft: Brood War anknüpft, präsentiert StarCraft II ein Ensemble sowohl neuer Helden als auch bekannter Gesichter im Rahmen einer spannungsgeladenen Science-Fiction-Erzählung voller Abenteuer und Intrigen. Zusätzlich ermöglicht Blizzard den Spielern von StarCraft II auch diesmal wieder unerreichten Spielkomfort im Battle.net, dem weltbekannten, firmeneigenen Online-Spiele-Dienst, ausgebaut mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen, die StarCraft II zum ultimativen turnierbetonten Echtzeitstrategiespiel machen.
  • Schnelles, lebendiges und ausgewogenes Echtzeitstrategie-Gameplay, das den Zauber des Originals einfängt und ausbaut
    Drei völlig verschiedene Spezies: Protoss, Terraner und Zerg
  • Neue Einheiten und Spielfunktionen verleihen jeder Spezies weitere einzigartige Fähigkeiten
  • Bahnbrechende Einzelspielerkampagne mit hohem Wiederspielbarkeitswert, da dem Spieler Optionen bei der Missions- und Technologieauswahl gegeben werden
  • Neue, dynamische 3D-Grafiken mit Unterstützung für vielfältige, herausragende Effekte und riesige Armeen
    Durchdachte Mehrspielerunterstützung mit neuen Turnierfunktionen und Gegnerzuweisungsmechanismen im Battle.net
  • Werkzeuge zum Erstellen von eigenen Karten und Skripten, die den Spielern völlige Freiheit im Anpassen des Spiels an ihre Bedürfnisse bieten
Bearbeitet von hynk am 22.08.2009, 00:57


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Bnet FAQ:

Battle.net FAQ

What is the new Battle.net?
We are building the new Battle.net to be the premier online gaming destination. The new Battle.net experience is a full-featured online game service designed specifically around Blizzard Entertainment titles, and will include a complete set of around-the-game features including a state-of-the-art matchmaking system, achievement system, social networking features, structured competitive play options, a marketplace, and much more. Our vision is to create an environment where gamers can compete online, develop an online persona, and stay connected to friends and the rest of the community while enjoying our games. In doing this, the new Battle.net will deliver the ultimate social and competitive experience for Blizzard Entertainment gamers everywhere.

What is the history of Battle.net?
Battle.net was the world’s first fully integrated matchmaking service, which we launched in 1996 with the release of Diablo. Battle.net evolved over the years to fully incorporate online gameplay for StarCraft, Diablo II, a re-release of Warcraft II, and Warcraft III. The Battle.net system has been in its current form, without major changes, since 2003.

How much will Battle.net cost?
The new Battle.net will be offered free of charge for players who purchase and register the full version of StarCraft II.

What will be available to players in the StarCraft II Marketplace?
After the launch of StarCraft II, we aim to add the StarCraft II Marketplace to Battle.net, which will create a vibrant ecosystem of user-generated content, including multiplayer maps, single-player scenarios, challenges, themes, and more.

How will Battle.net affect my multiplayer StarCraft II experience?
We’ll be implementing a new auto-matchmaking system, with advanced skill tracking to allow players to be matched with other players of similar skill level. This will help players consistently face evenly matched competition. We’ll also be implementing various leagues and ladder systems to allow a more competitive StarCraft II landscape.

What is the Real ID feature?
Real ID is at the forefront of online gaming as it will allow you to easily connect, communicate, and play with real-life friends. Connect with old friends and current guildies, and make new friends with the integrated Battle.net social networking tools. Beyond simply seeing your friend’s character names (e.g. “Gorlac” in World of Warcraft or “Snip3r” in StarCraft II), and having to remember which character name goes with which friend, you will be able to see your Real ID friend and chat with him or her across Blizzard games. What’s more, Real ID is totally optional -- the options are there for you to build your Blizzard Entertainment social network however you see fit.

What are some of the communication tools available in the new Battle.net?
Our vision is for the new Battle.net to become the ultimate Blizzard Entertainment social network, in addition to its matchmaking foundation. Simply logging in to Battle.net will make it easy to find and chat with your friends across World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, and future Blizzard Entertainment titles, including Diablo III. Keep track of all your buddies in your friends list, view their online status and presence information, voice chat, send out party invites, and broadcast messages to your friends. Detailed character profiles let players keep up to date on friends’ progress and achievements.

What kind of Battle.net features will be available to allow player-made customizations?
Over the years, we’ve learned how incredibly creative the Blizzard Entertainment community is, and that they excel at creating new ways to play our games (such as DotA). This has served as the inspiration for us to create a rich set of content authoring and publishing tools in Battle.net for gamers to create the next big game type in StarCraft II.

When will I be able to start utilizing map maker tools? How will Battle.net interact with custom maps?
The StarCraft II Galaxy Map Editor will be available to players during the StarCraft II beta. Players will be able to play these maps on the new Battle.net.

Will classic Blizzard Entertainment games be supported on the new Battle.net?
We do eventually plan to update all classic Battle.net games to take advantage of the new Battle.net accounts and server infrastructure. Beyond this, we do not have anything to announce today regarding legacy Blizzard Entertainment titles and the new Battle.net experience.

Will parental controls be improved on Battle.net?
We will be revamping the parental controls and time management features for the release of Battle.net. The parental controls will allow parents to regulate how and with whom their children communicate, and they will provide parents with a multitude of other tools to promote responsible gaming for their children.

Will a forced migration to Battle.net occur for World of Warcraft players?
Yes, sometime in the near future, it will be necessary for all World of Warcraft subscribers to transition their accounts to the new Battle.net system. Those players who have already converted to the new system will be able to take part in the new Battle.net features soon.

What will change in World of Warcraft after the forced migration?
The core gameplay experience will remain unchanged as a result of the migration. However, you’ll be able to take part in all of the new Battle.net features, such as cross-realm, cross-faction, and cross-game chat.

What features will be available for Diablo III on the new Battle.net?
We don’t have any specific features to announce at this time, but we will be building directly from the new Battle.net platform delivered with StarCraft II, while tailoring features and options to specifically suit the Diablo III game and community.


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Bearbeitet von hynk am 22.08.2009, 19:36


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
Sieht schon mal sehr lecker aus :)
Und vor allem schon als wäre alles schon ready 4 Beta, die Dev's spielen sicher schon den ganzen Tag :p

@ : http://www.overclockers.at/attachme...&fullpage=1
WTF ?! SC-GrandPrix (Racing), Dota Allstars (Hero-Defense) als Custom-Mod, ich hoffe das sind MockUps :D


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Es sind Mock-Ups ;)


OC Addicted
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: AT
Posts: 7808
Ich hau das mal hier rein:

The first and most significant change is that in the near future, anyone posting or replying to a post on official Blizzard forums will be doing so using their Real ID -- that is, their real-life first and last name -- with the option to also display the name of their primary in-game character alongside it. These changes will go into effect on all StarCraft II forums with the launch of the new community site prior to the July 27 release of the game, with the World of Warcraft site and forums following suit near the launch of Cataclysm. Certain classic forums, including the classic Battle.net forums, will remain unchanged.


leider kein name
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darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9363
find ich gut, dann reißen sich die leute maybe mal etwas zusammen und führen sich nicht auf wie im kindergarten.


leider kein name
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: -
Posts: 15867
na tut ma leid aber ich brauchs einfach ned das mit meinem echten namen ersichtlich ist wieviel ich spiele oder wie ich mich mit einem game beschäftige


Registered: Aug 2002
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gut finde ich dass die trollerei wohl zurückgeht.

schlecht finde ich alles andere :p ein bissl privatsphäre im umfeld eines spiels hätte ich dann doch gerne. gut, ich muss nicht im forum posten aber das macht die sache nicht besser.

im spiel selbst find ich real id schon praktisch. die paar leute die ich kenn sind damit gut überschaubar, allen anderen muss man halt nett vermitteln dass es reicht wenn sie den/die characternamen in der freundesliste haben.


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
Keine. Ahnung wie ich das kommentieren soll...


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9363
die privatsphäre war schon mit der facebook integration dahin ^^
stellt sich natürlich die frage woher blizzard diese komischen ideen hat. erst das halb verhunzte bnet2.0, und jez das hier O_o


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